
Yourself or Customer Service – Survey Report

In digital age these days, information is no longer something difficult to obtain. By one button ‘click’ through the Internet, thousands of information can be accessed. Presence of the internet has brought a change of consumer information searching. Customer service as a representative of the company has been questioned its role in the information needs of consumers. Is customer service still has an important role? Or is the source of information outside the company even more answer questions consumers to information of a product than company itself? Therefore, at this time Jakpat survey wants to know how consumers searching for information about the product, whether the customer service to meet the information needs of consumers.

Many people do online searching to obtain any information, especially information about the product / service. 40.15% of respondents claimed not so frustrating when they do not get any information after 10 minutes of online searching.


When we asked about the use of customer service to the respondents, respondents who answered very often only 8.13%. The graph below shows that customer service does not seem too often exploited by the respondent in seeking information.



In this age of  sophistication of information technology, there are many ways that can be taken to look for information about a product / service, such as by browsing using a search engine, utilizing sites review / forum, or use channel information company such as website and customer service , Turns out, browsing through the search engine has been chosen by the majority of respondents (61.6%). On our findings, male and female respondents alike showed the same tendency in search of information.

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When we asked to respondents, which one is faster for them getting the information, more than half of all respondents said its quicker to get response from stranger on the internet than asking the customer service. It indicates that customer service is not quite nimble in responding customer.


One website that should not be overlooked in the search for product information is Youtube, especially in finding ways of working or tutorial use of the product. Video may contain information which is accurate in telling how to work an item. When we asked the respondents would use Youtube to find out the tutorial or the workings of a product than by asking the customer service company, 79.68% of respondents answered yes. This indicates that the respondent as a consumer put their faith in a third party (Youtube) than the company itself.


However slight turn of the previous questions, when we asked whether the respondents are satisfied with the customer care service companies, the majority tend to feel quite satisfied.


More than half of the respondents are not too bothered when they get the information itself. Not a problem for them as long as they can get information. Only 20.6% of respondents who felt disappointed when they do not get the information directly from the company, and it makes them think that the company is bad. While 19.62% were satisfied precisely when getting the information itself.


We see an interesting trend in this section. More male respondents showed a tendency indifferent to whether the success or failure of customer service to meet the needs of information for consumers, whereas more female respondents showed a tendency upset against the company if it can not deliver the information via the customer service. This may be because men are generally more logic than emotion, in contrast to women that emphasizes emotion.


Data from research conducted with JAKPAT’s  panelists in Indonesia from 26th August to 29th August 2015. 

For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer.

Click the icon to download XLS report (Bahasa)

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