
Discovering Financial Literacy in Indonesia

Discovering Financial Literacy in Indonesia

Nowadays, people may casually talk about how easy it is to buy or own goods by credit, but not with repayment plans or long-term financial pledges. Ironically, when the need to manage money is put into life-stage commitments such as higher education, marriage, or pension; people shily admit that money is still a problem.

Thus, Jakpat and Lintar Financial surveyed 1295 respondents in Indonesia to capture the level of financial literacy among the public regarding used credit facilities, joining financial classes, and future planning.

Key research points:

  • To find out the used loan facilities
  • To find out financial allocations
  • To find out future planning

Here are some previews of the report:

1 Table of Contents - Discovering Financial Literacy in Indonesia - 2024 Jakpat Survey Report
2 Financial Skill - Discovering Financial Literacy in Indonesia - 2024 Jakpat Survey Report




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