
Financial Literacy by Age – Survey Report

Different age segment may lead to a different result of financial literacy. At some point, there is an assumption that older people may have better financial knowledge than the younger segment. However, it may not always applied so since today younger segment may have greater financial information exposure from media. Moreover, their different experience, resource, and insight may affect any differences in their financial knowledge. According to this assumption, we conduct a survey about respondent financial literacy based on their age. According to our result, we do not find any difference among respondents age segment regarding their financial literacy information source, awareness, and their currently owned financial products. However, most older respondents in this segment are more likely owning many more types of financial products compared to the younger one. Regarding their preferred future financial products and bank service, respondents from various age segment tend to show similar result. At last, regarding their planned time to own their future financial products, the older segment respondents plan to own it much earlier than the younger segment. In order to gain deeper insight about this issue, please kindly download our free report below. This report contains several issues such as:

  • Respondents financial product awareness and information source
  • Respondents currently used bank service and their preferred bank in the future
  • Respondents motivation to own future financial products
  • Respondents consideration on choosing particular bank
  • Respondents motivation in owning future financial products

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