36 It is no secret that most women love to watch drama series. When we turn on our television, we can easily find many drama series originated from various countries during prime time. Besides watching on television, it is also easy to spot women watching drama series in their laptop, home theatre, and other electronic devices. In short, we may say that watching drama series has been an inseparable activity for most today women. Understanding this phenomenon, Jakpat conducted a survey about female foreign drama series watching habit. We asked 205 respondents in nationwide. With 95% level of confidence, and only 5% margin error level, we revealed Indonesian female foreign drama series watching habit. Apparently, foreign drama in Indonesia tends to be seasonal. The rapid changes of trend also happen on drama series. We may still remember how Korean drama was a huge hype in Indonesia, and today is followed by other countries such as India and Turki. First of all, we asked our respondents about their experience of watching foreign drama series related to their country of origin. Many countries were mentioned by respondents. It seems like our respondents have been watching various kind of drama series originated from many countries. Six countries were mentioned by respondents. At first, Korean was chosen as the drama series country of origin they ever watched. Following the result, Indian, Turkish, American, Taiwanese, and Japan also mentioned. Understanding audience experience of watching foreign drama series may be very interesting. Although they had the experience of watching foreign drama from various countries, but in general there were only three countries mentioned as the most watched country of origin drama series. Korean sat on the first position. The craze of Korean drama series seems to be unbeatable. It has been more than five years Korean drama series steal the heart of Indonesian audience. At the following position, Turkish drama series seems to be an emerging trend. If we turn on our television, it would be pretty easy to spot Turkish drama series along the day. We can watch it in the morning, days, and night easily. Although Eastern countries seem to be unbeatable, the Western also get a place. American drama series was also considered as the most watched by our audience. To completely understand about audience watching habit, we asked their frequency of watching foreign drama series during a week. Interestingly, most of the respondent said that they regularly watching the series. Even four out of ten people said that they watch foreign drama series every day. Summarizing the overall findings, we conclude that the older the audience, the more they spend times to watch drama series. As audience spend much amount of times on watching drama series regularly, we asked them about their efforts on catching up any missed episodes. Three different segments of audience answered differently. The 20-29 years old audience were more likely to watch the missing episodes in YouTube. The 30-35 years old audience tend to do nothing and just let it go. While, the 36-39 years old preferred to copy the missing episodes in internet cafe. We also asked them about their companion during watching. Most respondents answered that they were more likely to watch drama series just by themselves. However, in almost equal percentage to the previous finding, other respondent said that they watched drama series with the companion of their closest one. Most of them said that family was the companion of them, followed by their lovers, and friends. As we know, there are intrinsic aspects of object which may be able to determine its quality. We reflect this idea by asking which determinant factors that determine the quality of foreign drama series. Five factors were mentioned by respondent. At the top position, plot was mentioned by most respondents. The storyline become the primary aspect that determines the good or bad quality of a series. At the second position, the acting quality of actors and actresses also become a considerable factor. Still related to the talents of the series, their physical appearances were also mentioned. The attractiveness of actors and actresses become the determinant factors of audience likeliness. They are more likely to enjoy pretty face and appearance during watching. At the following position, number of episodes and genre were also mentioned. Understanding the determinant factors of drama series quality, we would like to measure which drama series country of origin fulfil them best. As predicted, Korean drama series are still considered as having the best plot and storyline from the perspective of overall audience segments. Korean drama series may be at the top position among all segments. However, we also tried to map the second layer of preferred drama series based on each age segment. Three interesting findings were mentioned. At first, the 20-29 years old segment prefers American drama series. At the second, the 30-35 years old segment prefers Turkish drama series, while the 36-39 years old prefer Japan. Comparing each country of origin, we tried to rank the intrinsic aspects of drama series. At first, we tried to rank the best acting quality of actors and actresses on drama series. Interestingly, each segment of audience has different preferences toward the object. The 20-25 years old audience prefer Korean as the series that has best quality of talents’ acting. In other hand, the 26-29 years old audience were more likely to prefer American talents’ as those who has best quality of acting. At last, the 30-35 years old audience tend to choose Turkish talents’. The second part of comparison is about the attractiveness of actors and actresses physical appearance. Korean actors and actresses were once again considered as the most attractive talents out of other countries. Besides that, American actors and actresses were also chosen by audience as having attractive appearances. At last, the Turkish drama series preferred by fewer audience as the most attractive physical appearance of actors and actresses in drama series. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293