35 The campaign of adopting healthy lifestyle is highly announced by many brands and organisation recently. Started by regularly doing simple exercise to consume healthy food, this campaign is well received by most people. Up to this point, we may assume that people awareness and consciousness of adopting healthy lifestyle is already positive. We conduct a survey toward 1.944 respondents in nationwide regarding their healthy lifestyle, especially their sport habit. However, what makes this survey interesting is the specific segmentation we target our respondents which is the middle upper segment. Since the middle upper segment may have more powerful resources, their healthy lifestyle may different with other segment. However, according to our survey result, it seems that this segment respondent still lowly adopting healthy lifestyle especially by doing sport regularly. Most of them only conduct exercise in about 1-3x in a month. Since they may have only limited time to exercise, their preferable type of sport usually done are running/jogging, walking, and cycling in which they can do almost anytime and anywhere. This finding is then in line with the preferable place they choose to exercise which is home and stadium, as well as their preferable time to exercise is in the morning and evening. Moreover, regarding their motivation of exercising is to maintain their healthy body. To gain further insight about this finding, please kindly download our full report below. This finding consist of several data, such as: Motivation of exercising Exercise frequency and type of sport usually done Preferable time and place to exercise Used apps to exercise and used sport apparel brand Participation in sport event Healthy food and drink consumption Exercise effect on sleeping habit Monthly spending on exercising For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below. Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293