45 Indonesia is one of the most potential market segments for automotive industry in Asia. The huge number of population, consistent growth of economic power, and high level of mobility makes Indonesia an attractive market for automotive industry, especially motorbike. According to Asosiasi Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI), the number of motorbike production in Indonesia reached more than 7.7 million units in 2013. This number put Indonesia as the third biggest country in the number of motorbike production among Asian countries. Moreover, up to 2012, motorbike industry has contributed about IDR 120 trillion toward Indonesia economic system. As consequence, motorbike becomes a competitive sector in Indonesia automotive industry. Understanding this phenomenon, Jakpat conducted a survey toward 300 respondents in nationwide about the competition between Honda and Yamaha motorbikes. The compositions of respondent panel are 50% male and 50% female who own motorbike. The confidence level of this survey is 95% with only 5% of margin error level. Honda and Yamaha are two most popular motorbike brands among Indonesian. The brands have been known as long-time rival in. First of all, we asked our respondent about their possession of motorbike brand. Four brands were mostly mentioned such as Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, and Kawasaki. After understanding their possession of motorbike brands, we would like to understand about their satisfaction of their current bike. Surprisingly, 95% of our respondent said that they were satisfied with their current motorbike brand. However, there were only 5% of respondent who dissatisfied. Though it was only 5% of respondent who were dissatisfied, we still want to understand their motives of dissatisfaction. Interestingly, we found out that there were different motives between male and female respondents about their dissatisfaction motives. Three reasons of dissatisfaction among male bikers were the intention to switch to better brand, the intention to switch to different type of motorbike, and fuel consumption issue. In other hand, three reasons of dissatisfaction among female bikers were the fuel consumption issue, the intention to switch toward different type of motorbike, and they consider that their motorbike is no longer trendy. Concerning that there were switching intention among bikers, we would like to map their preference of intended brand. Among the bikers who firstly said that they were satisfied with their current motorbike brand, 24% of them have the intention to do brand switching. Regarding their preference, 66% of them preferred to switch to Honda, while 34% of them preferred Yamaha. It seems that Honda and Yamaha are involved in a tough competition. To briefly capture consumer perceptions about both brands, we asked our respondent to compare them in several aspects. Product quality was the first aspect to be compared. According to our respondent, the comparisons show that Honda was considered to have better product quality. Product variation is an important strategy for any brand from any industry. As in motorbike industry, we asked our respondents which brand that offer various product types. At this point, our respondent once again said that Honda offer more various product type than Yamaha. As we know that matic (automatic) and sport are two most visible types of motorbike, we also asked our respondent to compare both brands in case of their matic and sport products. Unlike the previous finding, we found that there were different preferences among bikers toward both types. Most respondent preferred Honda as the brand that has better quality of matic motorbike products. In other hand, most respondent preferred Yamaha as the brand that has better quality of sport motorbike products. Price becomes our second aspect that was questioned to the respondent. We asked our respondent to compare which brand that offer more affordable price. As the previous finding, our respondent put Honda at the first place as the brand that offer more affordable price. Our third aspect to be compared was engine aspect. We asked our respondent to compare the fuel efficiency between Honda and Yamaha. Significant answers were found on the data. Honda was dominantly considered by respondent as the brand that offers fuel efficiency system better than Yamaha. When it comes to engine performance, there were also different perceptions between male and female bikers about which brand that have better engine performance. Female bikers tend to consider Honda as brand that has better engine performance. In other hand, male bikers were more likely to mention Yamaha as the brand with better engine performance. After sales service become our last aspect to be compared. We asked our respondent to compare which brand that has better quality of after sales service. We found a significant difference between the data result of both brands. Honda was considered as the brand with better quality of sales service far beyond Yamaha. At last, we asked them about the friendliness of staff in after sales service division. The quality of staff service was proven to have a correlation with consumer attitude toward brand. In case of both brands, Honda was once again took the first position as the brand with friendly after sales service staff. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. 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