33 Rainy season is coming! In some parts of Indonesia it rains every day. For Indonesian people, rainy season has its own uniqueness. Rainy season may change some habits. Therefore, in this survey, we would like to present some opinions of our panel about how to deal with the rainy season. The survey involved 202 respondents, with a percentage of 52.48% female and 47.52% male, aged 18-29 years (86.14%) and 30-39 years (13.86%) in several major cities in Indonesia. Respondents who involved in the survey this time recorded 65.84% of them riding a motorcycle in their daily life, while 15.35% of themriding a car, and 13.86% of them use the bus. In the rainy season, it turns out, the majority of respondents still use the same vehicle with daily life. Only about 10% stated using different vehicles because of the rain. Apparently raincoats and umbrellas still be items that must be taken in the rainy season. Few of respondents (6.93%) declared not carry any extra equipment in this rainy season. The rainy season prone to the emergence of the disease. Weather conditions also influence the condition of the body. We were curious, in this rainy season what the disease is often perceived by our panel. The majority said that the flu becomes a disease that they feel vulnerable in the rainy season (34.65%), while not a few who expressed their body condition is fine so that they suffer no disease (32.67%). Still related to the condition of the body, we also asked the panel about the consumption of vitamins, medications or supplements during the rainy season. More than half of the respondents stated not take anything. As for the respondents who consume vitamin C to supplement the most widely consumed. To maintain body condition in weather like this, it seems that the majority of respondents chose ways that are more natural. We asked respondents to select multiple choice answers according to what they do. Drink lots of water turned out to be chosen by the majority of respondents (74.75%). The consumption of certain foods and drinks during the rainy season also attracted our attention. Slight differences in the weather certainly bring many changes to the eating and drinking habits of people. We also asked the panel to choose foods or beverages consumed more during the rainy season. Our findings also expressed hot meal and beverage such as meatballs, soup, soup and tea is widely consumed by the respondent during the rainy season. Feeling lazy to get around may be one of the problems during the rainy season. The existence delivery service might be a solution of this problem. However, the results of our survey stated else. The majority of respondents chose not to use. While only 2 out of 10 respondents claimed to use it more than usual. Likewise when we asked whether the rain makes respondents late to set off the activity. More than half of the respondents said not always, depending on situation. And at last, rainy season apparently doesn’t make the majority of our respondents feel lazy to set off. Likewise time to go home, half of respondents said go home as usual, only 3 out of 10 respondents stated that go back home earlier than usual. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographicsegment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293