56 Source: nyunyu.com From 2656 respondents, we examined the habits of respondents associated to visits and shopping activities. There are two major Minimarket company in Indonesia, which is Indomaret and Alfamart. Both minimarket have outlets in all regions of Indonesia. Always located close to residental or downtown. That makes both minimarket becoming one of the most compelling options of grocery shopping. So let’s look deeper on how Indomaret vs Alfamart survey result below! Indomaret vs Alfamart : 1-2x A Week to Minimarket As many as 53.58% of our respondents admied that in a week they went shopping as much as 1-2 times to one of the minimarket, or even both. While as much as 34.53% in the week claimed they can shop up to 3-4 times. However only 11.90% were admitted, they go every day to shop at Indomaret or Alfamart. Indomaret vs Alfamart : Ready-to-drink beverage is no 1 The most frequent goods they buy in minimarket which is ready-to-drink beverage. While the rest consists of household needs such as, toiletries, cleaning supplies and others. Indomaret vs Alfamart : Who Has Most Visits? We asked those 2565 respondent to pick which store they visit the most. Overall result shows that 59.68% has chosen Indomaret while 40.32% chosen Alfamart. This might also supported by the data related to how many outlets they have each. Indomaret stated they have over 10,600 outlets in 2014 while Alfamart stated they have around 9,700 outlets. Source : depoknews.com In JAKPAT XLS report we can also investigate further to compare the result between male/female, specific age ranges, specific spending level, and each provinces trend. Indomaret vs Alfamart : Male vs Female Comparing male and female respondent, their frequency of shopping in minimarket shows similar result. Over 50% male and female respondents went to minimarket as much as 1-2 times a week. Q3 (single answer) : Dari dua pilihan minimarket dibawah ini, mana yang lebih sering anda kunjungi? Total Gender Male Female Option 1 : Indomaret 1541 830 711 59.87% 61.12% 58.47% Option 2 : Alfamart 1033 528 505 40.13% 38.88% 41.53% Total 2574 1358 1216 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Slightly differs, female respondents bought more cosmetic, body care, skin care, cleaning kit, medicine, and eggs compare to men in Minimarket. And male respondents bought more cigars, bathing kit, snacks and ready-to-drink beverage than female respondents. Over the most visit minimarket, both male and female respondent voted Indomaret more than Alfamart as most minimarket they visit. Indomaret vs Alfamart : Area Battle Comparing each province, Indomaret has very high visitor in Yogyakarta. Over 80% of respondents in Yogyakarta area stated they went often to Indomaret compared to Alfamart. Also shown in East and Central Java, Indomaret is voted as the most visited minimarket. But in West Java and Banten province, the competition is a little tight in which Alfamart can close to 49% result compare to Indomaret. While checking Sumatra area, there are total 242 respondents participating there. Alfamart is voted higher in Jambi (> 72%) and Bangka Belitung Island (66.67%) than Indomaret. But in other area Indomaret is still voted over 50% than Alfamart. Alfamart also got higher votes in several area in Kalimantan and Sulawesi over Indomaret. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. AKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report If you’re interested to do survey on retail and consumer goods field toward our respondents, we have over 23,000 mobile respondents ranged from age 17-50 years old, smartphone active users, and located in all regions of Indonesia that has installed our app and readily answering your survey. Those 23,000 respondents has been verified, profiled, and continuously tracked to make sure you get the updated profiles of them. Our respondents has been profiled based on their demographic (age,gender,location, spending level, profession,religion), lifestyle habit (smoking/non, gamers/non, wearing glasses/non, frequent flyer/non, online shopper/non), and also brand consumption level ( brand A users, brand B users in FMCG, Retail, E-commerce,etc). If you want to do research toward our respondent, please signup here and directly create your survey there. Or directly contact our Bizdev – Chrisprastika at +62-878-3908-9833. To non-Indonesian client, we offer free translation from foreign languages includes English, Chinese,Hindi,etc. Indomaret vs Alfamart INFOGRAPHIC (Bahasa)