44 Travelling has been a part of today’s lifestyle. Unlike the previous generation, travelling both in backpacker and flash packer style becomes common phenomenon among Indonesian. The much more affordable price of transportation tickets, the popularity of social media as a medium to share travelling activities, and various tourism promotions to praise the tourist makes people love to travel even more. For people who love to travel, they even plan to routinely travel each year. Understanding this recent trend of lifestyle, we surveyed 184 respondents from our nationwide panel to understand their travelling plan in 2016. First of all, we would like to estimate the numbers of Indonesian who plan to have holiday trip this year. Interestingly, the numbers of Indonesian who plan to travel are remaining high as 83% of respondents said so. Moreover, the composition of their travel destination planning is various. Domestic destinations stay on the first place as most Indonesian plan to have domestic trip. International trip, in other hand only been planned by 9% of Indonesian as well as Indonesian who plan to have both trips. Second, we would like to understand Indonesian plan on finding the firm date for travelling. Surprisingly, although the numbers of Indonesian who plan to travel this year was relatively high, most Indonesian do not have firm date for travelling yet. They do not decide when to travel in specific and they have different attitudes on buying transportation ticket. Most of them buy ticket at any time as long as there is promotional ticket available. Indonesian are more likely to buy ticket in less than a month as well as up to three months before their holiday date. Fewer people tend to buy ticket in three to six months before the date, and even fewer buy in six to twelve months. At last, although the numbers are low but few Indonesian even buy ticket in more than a year before their holiday date. Different preference toward transportation mode also happens between men and women. Men tend to prefer their own vehicle at the first place, and followed by plane, bus, and train. In other hand, women tend to prefer plane at the first place, followed by their own vehicle, train, and travel service. Our previous survey found that people were more likely to travel with accompany than just by themselves. We try to further understand this finding by asking our respondents about whom they are travelling with. The 20-25 years old mentioned that they were more likely to travel with their spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend and their friends. The 26-29 years old were more likely to travel with their family and their spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend. In other hand, the 30-40 years old answered otherwise. They were more likely to travel with their spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend at the first place and their family at the second place. Travel agency service seems like less popular among Indonesian traveller. Among travellers, only 33% of them are about to use the service. They consider that travel agency service will make their trip to be more practical and easier. As they also afraid of getting lost in their holiday destination, travel agency seems like the perfect solution for them. Moreover, the least respondent consider that using travel agency service will make their trip to be cheaper. The duration of trip also been asked toward our respondents. It seems like Indonesian travellers are more likely to spend shorter time for holiday. They like to have holiday in 1 up to 3 days. Fewer respondents prefer to stay longer on holiday. 39% of them plan to travel during 4 to 7 days, 6% of them prefer one to two weeks, while the least of them prefer much longer as they plan to stay more than 14 days on holiday. However, different group of ages also show different preference toward their chosen place to stay during holiday. The 20-25 years old are more likely to stay in villa or homestay. In other hand, the 26-40 years old tend to prefer hotel to stay. Another interesting finding also had been found among different group of ages and their preference of travelling destination. We classify three different groups of ages as their preferences quite different in many ways. The 20-25 years are more likely to travel to sea, mountain and hill, culinary, city tourism, village, and religious tourism. Little difference also found among the 26-29 years old as they prefer sea, mountain and hill, city tourism, village, and culinary tourism as their choices. At last, the 30-40 years old respondents are more likely to prefer sea, mountain and hill, city tourism, religious, and village as their favourite. People motive of travelling are various as well as their activities during holiday. According to our data, top three to-do list among respondents during their travel are photo hunting, trying local cuisine, and visiting signature place. Furthermore, fewer respondents also put shopping on their to-do list. At last, the least respondents mention that they would do nothing but only sightseeing. People style of travelling are different depend on which kind of style they like the most, the budget they have, and the duration of staying during holiday. We simply know about two common styles of travelling, the backpacker and flash packer. Interestingly, backpacker was voted as the most favourite travelling style among 68% respondents. Moreover, we would like to discover the budget allowance among Indonesian for holiday travel. 39% of Indonesian allocates IDR 1-3 million for holiday, orderly followed by 27% of them who spend less than IDR 1 million, 22% of them who spend IDR 3-5 million, 5% of them who spend IDR 5-7 million, and only 7% of them who spend more than IDR 7 million. Favourite destinations among different group of age also found both in domestic and international. In domestic destination, the 20-25 years old prefer Java, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara as their favourite. The 26-29 years old are more likely to choose Java, Bali, and Sumatera. As Java and Bali seems to be favourite destinations among ages, the 30-35 years also mention the exact similar answer as the previous one. At last, the 30-40 years old are more likely to visit Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and Kalimantan during holiday. We further try to discover people preference on international tourism destinations. The 20-35 years old prefer Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Different answers mentioned by the 36-40 years old who prefer Southeast Asia, Asia Pacific, and Middle East. Sharing holiday moment in social media has been very popular recently. Interestingly, 86% Indonesian upload their holiday photos to social media. Moreover, men and women are more likely to upload their holiday photos in different platform of social media. Men are more likely to publish their holiday photos in Facebook, followed by Instagram and Twitter. Otherwise, women are more likely to publish the photos in Instagram, followed by Facebook and Path. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293