80 Drinking coffee might not merely meet the needs of body fluids, but also part of the lifestyle. This time Jakpat wants to know the coffee drinking habits of Indonesian. The survey involved 303 respondents aged 20-35 years in 10 major cities of Indonesia. Who are the survey respondents? They all are a coffee drinker, 75.25% of respondents do not regularly drink coffee, only sometimes, while 24.75% of them regularly drink coffee. When we asked how often they drink coffee, the majority (43.23%) of respondents answered less than once a week, while 32.34% of respondents drink coffee more than 3 times a week. Most people drink coffee at certain times, because coffee is not like water that suitable to drink at any time. Our findings said that 35.97% of respondents consume coffee in the morning, 27.72% of respondents have a drink at night, 19:14% during the day, and 17.16% in the afternoon. Coffee contains caffeine which often cause certain effects on the drinker. Therefore, we also asked the respondents, the reason they drink coffee. The majority of respondents said that as relaxation, while 22.77% said coffee to help them stay awake. Coffee has various types and ways of presentation. Cappucino apparently favored by the respondents (34.65%). Surprisingly, white coffee was fairly idolized by the respondent. Apparently, the original coffee such as black coffee losing popular with cappucinno and white coffee. To know the habit of drinking coffee, we asked where the respondents usually get coffee. Majority answered make it at home, the coffee used was instant coffee or coffee sachets. While 15.84% said drinking in coffee shop. Take out the coffee from the coffee shop is not yet a habit of Indonesia. It is seen only 9.9% of respondents who answered it. The habit of drinking coffee was still dominated by the drink at home. 2 out of 3 respondents stated rarely visited the coffee shop. More than half of the respondents considered the coffee and pastry / snack is the right companion for drinking coffee. 67.32% of respondents eat pastry / snack when drinking coffee. We asked the respondents who said that they had visited the coffee shop. What factors are most influential in deciding which coffee shop they’ll visit. The atmosphere became a major factor that most determines, followed by the quality of the coffee itself, then the price, availability of wifi / internet, location and brand loyalty. In Indonesia, there are several networked coffee shop as well as many local coffee shop. We wondered, which one most visited by respondents. Turns out a local coffee shop is more attractive to the respondents, while Starbucks, JCO ranks second and third. Speaking about brand loyalty, only 30% of respondents said that social media accounts follow their favorite coffee shop. Majority claimed to follow because they want to know about deals, and in order to keep up with the latest news. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report (Bahasa) Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293