32 Indonesia is well known with their rapid growth in automotive vehicle possession. It is quite familiar to see people who have even more than one vehicle. However, public transportation such as taxi still becomes a preferable vehicle to support Indonesian mobility. At this time, Jakpat conducted a survey about Indonesian taxi user. In this survey, we asked our 194 respondents about their habit in riding taxi/cab. Our respondents are consist of 37% male and 63% female in Indonesia ten big provinces such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, West Java, East Java, Central Java, South Sumatera, South Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Bali, and North Sumatera. Moreover, the level of confidence in this survey is 95%, with 5% sampling error rate. Since most Indonesian is more likely to go outside using their own vehicle, we asked our respondents about their frequency of riding cab. Our respondents answered that they mostly ride a cab between once to twice a month. Their favourite destinations are home, mall and supermarket, airport and train station, also office. It is quite interesting to see their preferred time to order a cab. In general, there is no specific time for them to order a cab. They like to order a cab both in noon and morning, also in the night and afternoon. For some provinces, it is not easy to get a cab. Due to the limited number of cab, some people often experience some difficulties in ordering cab. We asked our respondents about their preferred way to hail a cab. Most respondents said that they are more likely calling taxi service, so that it is quite important for taxi companies to choose an easy to remember phone number. Waiting the cab that passes by the road also become the second most preferable way. At last, mobile application become the less preferable choice. However, due to the efficiency, most of reputable taxi company are using mobile application to easily be reached by their customers. To obtain deeper insight about Indonesian taxi customers, we also asked about their taxi back seat activity. Two popular activities are texting and just staring out the window. Besides that, talking also becomes their favourite activity. To them who ride with friends, they love to talk to their friends while riding. In the other hand, those who ride alone, talking to the taxi driver become the most preferable activity. Do Indonesian taxi customers are generous? We asked about their generosity in giving tip to the taxi driver. Surprisingly, Indonesian taxi customers are generous. Most respondents said that they give tip to the driver. We heard a lot about criminal incidents happened to the people when they were riding taxi. So, we asked about our respondents’ habit in keeping and informing detail information about the taxi they are riding. Unfortunately, most respondents said that they do not keep detail information about taxi number and the name of the driver as well as inform their loved one about it. Surprisingly, although there are criminal incidents happened and taxi customers tend to be less care about the information of the taxi, there is a hope in this industry. Most of Indonesian taxi customers are quite sure about the security of taxi as a mode of transportation. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segmentpreference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293