40 Education is one of the most important investments for everyone. Pursuing education at any level become very important. You will never be loss for education investment. As the world become more global and competitive, education becomes even more essential. People not only attending formal school, but also expanding their skills by enrolling any kind of informal education. Somehow, some people consider that attending formal school is not enough to fulfil their needs of certain subject. Therefore, they will go attending informal school to have more experience with the subject they are interested with. In order to comprehensively understand the interest of Indonesian millennials toward informal education, we conducted a survey to 205 respondents from 16-35 years old in nationwide. Today’s millennials in general have bigger opportunity to pursue better education than any other generations. Most of them are not only attending the formal school, but also attend informal school such as courses, seminar, conference, workshop, etc. In fact, 89% Indonesian millennials ever tried informal education and 21% of them are currently enrolling. At this point, we can summary that the interest of informal education is relatively high. Those who do not enrol informal education were caused by their lack of spare time and financial issue. Therefore, there is no point that Indonesian millennials are not interested with informal education since their reasons of not enrolling were caused by those factors. As most Indonesian millennials ever have the experience of attending informal education, we would like to discover the type of informal education they attended. Interestingly, different group of age attend different kind of informal education. The 16-25 years old were more likely to attend short course. The 26-29 years old were more likely to attend seminar. At last, the 31-35 years old were more likely to attend training program. There was various reason of Indonesian millennials’ interest toward informal education. Most of them answered that their biggest motive of enrolling informal education was to expand their knowledge and skill. Other motives were also mentioned by millennials. Some of them were interested with the materials, while some others were enrolling in order to find activity during their spare time. We then move further in finding millennials favourite type of informal education. The 16-19 years old were more likely to enrol foreign language course, computer course, public speaking and MC, also art class. Other answer was mentioned by the 20-25 years old. They were more likely to enrol foreign language course, computer course, public speaking and MC, as well as photography. At last, the 26-35 years old were more likely to attend foreign language course, computer course, photography course, and fashion design class. The perfect duration of informal education class also vary among ages. We can roughly summarize that the older the millennials, the shorter duration they would love to attend the class. The 16-19 years old prefer 6-12 months as the perfect duration. In other hand, the 20-35 years old consider less than 1 to 3 months as the ideal one. More specifically, when we dive further into the favourite theme of informal education that millennials would be interested to join, we found different answers between ages. Most Indonesian millennials are interested to participate in entrepreneurship and academic seminar. However, the 30-35 years old were also interested to attend financial management themed seminar. Regarding their cost of attending informal education, averagely they spent less than IDR 500K to 1 million. As seminar was mentioned as one of the most attractive informal education type for millennials, we would like to discover their consideration of attending particular seminar. Interestingly, the considerations among millennials were quite varying. In general, all of millennials were mentioned the theme and speakers of the seminar as the most considerable factors. However, the 16-19 years old were also considering the date and time of the seminar. Different answer was mentioned by the 20-29 years old that consider the seminar tuition fee as other factor to be considered. At last, the 30-35 years old were more likely to consider the seminar facilities they got if they were attending the seminar. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293