48 Switching job, or famously known as “job hopping”, is a popular term among urban workers. It’s an act when people change their job, whether they roll to another position in the same company, move to another company, or quit their current job. This job hoppers phenomenon has been quite popular in Indonesia, particularly in big cities. Regarding to this matter, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see further toward switching job habit in Indonesia. This survey involved 1376 respondents from across Indonesia. For the further notes, Jakpat’s respondents in this survey are Indonesian smart-phone users, with a range of age from 25 to 45 year-old. First of all, we’re mapping the distribution of respondents from the kinds of their current job, institution they currently work at, and the position they currently hold at their work place. Apparently, 35.54% of our respondents are currently having a permanent work, while 22.53% of them are working as entrepreneurs. As for the institution, most of our respondents (43.90%) are currently working at private corporations. Moreover, most of our respondents (47.75%) are currently working as a staff. Next, we find out that most of our respondents (63.59%; 875 out of 1376 respondents) admit that they have done job hopping before, with 78.51% of them admit that they have done that from at least once up to three times. When asked about the last time they do job hopping, apparently most of them (69.14%) say that they did that more than a year ago already. Henceforth, almost half of them (48.80%) admit that it only took less than a year after they got their first job until the time they decided to switch to another job. Furthermore, regarding to the considerations they take when doing the job hopping, apparently the most common answer is “salary” (70.74%). Hence, the second top consideration is “career advancement” (55.89%), followed by “work environment” (49.83%) as the third top consideration they take when job hopping. In addition, there are 25.37% of them who choose “personal situation” as their consideration, such as “internal conflict at the current work place” (49.55%) and “following partner or family member moving to another town” (36.94%). Regarding to the reasons behind their decision to do the job hopping, apparently the top answers are mostly about work environment, salary, and career advancement. Almost half of them (45.49%) argue that their reason is because they feel uncomfortable with the work environment, while some of them (39.31%) admit that their reason is because they already got another job offer with better salary. There are 37.94% of them who say that they feel unsatisfied with rewards or recognition of the contribution they receive from their work place, while 35.89% decide to switch job because they want to search for better job position. Out of Indonesians who have done the job hopping, apparently more than half of them (58.06%) admit that they have resign from their job without having any job replacement yet. Meanwhile, more than half of them (53.71%) admit that they have rolled from one position to another in the company they work at. Moreover, some few of them (24.11%) admit that they have moved to another town because of work-related placement from their office. Henceforth, more than half of them (57.71%) say that they are willing to move to another town if their company asked them to. Most of them (61.83%) say that they have a plan to switch job again next time in the future. Lastly, we ask those respondents who admit that they have never done job hopping before (36.41%; 501 out of 1376 respondents) whether they have interest in doing the job hopping. Apparently, more than half of them (53.49%) admit that they actually have a plan to switch their job sometimes in the future. In addition to that, 44.03% of them have a plan to do the job hopping in more than 2 years ahead from now. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293