41 Who don’t love fast food? Well, despite all the pros and cons regarding fast food, we still love it. We love to eat it and most of us always run for it in anytime. Among any fast food chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) becomes one of the most familiar chains among us. It will be easy to spot youth, be it the young adults or teenagers who dine and hang out in any KFC stores. Anyway, who can resist the delight of crispy fried chicken while chilling out with our loved one? Understanding this phenomenon, Jakpat conducted a survey to 204 respondents in Indonesia 10 big cities such as Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Medan, Makassar, Denpasar, Palembang, and Samarinda. The propositions of respondents are 50% male and 50% female, with the range of age between 18 to 30 years old. The confidence level of this survey is 95%, therefore the margin error level is only 5%. We know that most of us love KFC. However, we would like to measure the respondents’ frequency of visiting KFC in a month. Almost all of our respondents said that they went to KFC about 1 to 3 times in a month. However, it is interesting that there was a niche segment that went to KFC more than 10 times in a month. They are the teenagers segment in the age of 16 to 19 years old. Although it was niche, but if KFC can maintain it well, they might be a promising segment in the future. We know KFC as a fast food chain that offer various menus, from the best value to the super affordable one. From the various menu offered by KFC, we asked our respondents about their favourite. Surprisingly, two most favourite menus are the best value and super affordable one, as we said before. Goceng (IDR 5K), the economy package, and Super Besar (Super Big), the best value, becomes their favourite. Reminds that consumer most favourite menu are the super affordable and the best deal, we came up to the idea of economic issue. We asked our respondents about their average spending each time they dine in KFC. Most respondents spent IDR 30-50K per coming (45%). Other 30% respondents said they spent about IDR 20-30K per coming. While, 14% respondents said they spent about 50-70K per coming. Interestingly, we also find that there were 11% of respondents who spent less than IDR 20K per visit, and most of them are women. KFC is a fast food chain that open 24 hours. Most of us always go for it when we get hungry in the midnight, have it delivered at our home when we busy, or just for having casual dine in anytime. We asked our respondents about their most favourite time to visit KFC. Most of our respondents said that they were more likely to visit KFC in the evening for hangout. Other respondents said that they like to visit KFC at night for dinner. Apparently, KFC is not only become the place for dining but also for working. There were also 5% of respondents who visit KFC not only for dinner, but also for doing their tasks. As we know, KFC also offer music CD from some musicians. The cashier would love to ask us whether we would like to buy it before we pay our chosen menu. We asked our respondents about their preference of buying music CD offered by KFC. Most of respondents said that they do not buy the music CD (61%), while only 39% of respondents said they buy the music CD. Compared to those who do not buy the music CD, consumer who buys the music CD is fewer. We asked our respondents who buy the music CD about their motives of buying. Most respondents said that they consider it would be cheaper to buy food and music CD. While respondents likeliness toward the singer or song only be acknowledged by 30% of respondents. We also asked to our respondents who do not buy the music CD about their motives of not buying. Unlike previous respondents who said that it would be cheaper to buy food and music CD, these respondents said otherwise. They considered it was more expensive to buy food and music CD. Other respondents also said that they dislike the singer and song. While, some others said that they do not understand about the offering. Among other fast food chain, KFC still become the favourite. We then asked our respondents about their reason of choosing KFC. Most respondents said that the delicious taste become their main reason of visiting KFC. Other respondents also said that since KFC stores are near then they tend to choose dining in KFC. At last, fewer respondents said that their reasons are based on Wi-Fi availability in KFC stores, the price is cheap and comfortable sphere. Last but not least, we seek on some suggestions from our respondents toward better service of KFC. We asked about their expectation of better KFC and four answers were gathered. First suggestion was adding various Goceng package. The second suggestion was adding various menus. The third suggestion was expanding the quality of Wi-Fi facilities. The last one was increase the quality of delivery service. This insight might be very useful for KFC to be able to capture the factual consumer habit and their insight of KFC. Consumer expectation may also be valuable information for KFC to improve their service quality. In other hand, for consumer, their “voices” might be heard by KFC and we hope KFC would like to make their expectation comes true. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. 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