38 The advance learning methods nowadays have forced college student to spend more of their time for doing their coursework. In big cities of Indonesia, particularly which have reputable universities in it, college student doing their coursework overtime is a common view. Cafes, coffee shops, even libraries are full of college student at night, working their school coursework. As long as the place offers internet connection –and food too sometimes– there are flocks of college student gather until late at night. Recently, Jakpat has conducted a survey regarding to see the preferences and habit of college student while doing their coursework overtime. This survey involved 283 Indonesian college students aged 18 – 28 who study in 10 big cities, including Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Makassar, Bali, and Yogyakarta. The respondents include 244 (86%) bachelor degree students (S1), 25 (9%) diploma students, and 14 (5%) master degree students (S2). First of all, apparently most of Indonesian college student (73%) light up their night by doing their coursework. Most of them (87%) are now studying for their bachelor degree, while a few of them are diploma students (8%) and graduate school students (4%). From all of Indonesian college students who frequently do their coursework overtime, some of them are on their 5th to 6th semester (26%), 7th to 8th semester (25%), and above their 8th semester (20%). Meanwhile, there are also some of them who are on their second year (3rd to 4th semester) (16%) and even on their first year (1st to 2nd semester) (13%). These indicate that Indonesian college students are having their peak of busy time with coursework during their third year and above. Next, when asked about the place they frequently spend their overtime to do coursework, more than half of Indonesian college students (58%) admit that they are doing it at home, while some of them (27%) are doing it at their boarding house. Concurrently, there are also a few of them who visit their friend’s place (5%) and cafe or coffee shop (5%) in order to do their coursework overtime. Subsequently, when asked about with whom they usually do their coursework overtime, most of Indonesian college student (67%) admit that they are doing it alone, while some of them (28%) are doing it with their friends. There are also a few of them (4%) who do their coursework overtime with their lovers. These indicate that Indonesian college students prefer some privacy while working on their coursework, viewed from their preferences to do it alone at their home. Regarding to time, more than half of Indonesian college student (52%) start to do their coursework at 9 o’clock in the evening, while some of them (29%) start at 10 o’clock in the evening. Concurrently, there are also a few of them who admit that they start doing their coursework at 11 o’clock in the evening (8%), at 12 o’clock midnight (4%), and even after midnight (7%). Still regarding to time, some of Indonesian college students spend their time in order to do their coursework for more than 4 hours (34%), for 3 to 4 hours (34%), and for 2 to 3 hours (25%). Meanwhile, there are also a few of them (6%) who only spend 1 to 2 hours doing their coursework overtime. Next, regarding to how many times Indonesian college students do their coursework overtime in a week, most of them (75%) are doing it for 1 to 3 times. Subsequently, there are also a few of them who do it for more than 3 times in a week (18%) and even for every day in the week (7%). Lastly, we asked about whether Indonesian college students consume certain supplements or drinks in order to maintain or enhance their stamina with all of the coursework overtime madness that is going on around them. Apparently, most of them (82%) admit that they do consume supplements for the sake of energy-boosting. However, more than half of them (59%) admit that they are not drinking coffee while doing their coursework overtime. Meanwhile, from 9% who admit that they are smokers, most of them (81%) admit that they smoke more cigarettes than they usually whenever they do their coursework overtime. Regarding to supplements they consume in order to boost their energy, most of them (76%) choose vitamin C, while some of them prefer herbal medicine (27%) and isotonic drink (27%). There are also a few of them (18%) who consume energy drink. These indicate that aside from staying up until late at night –which is quite bad for health– Indonesian college students are actually being aware of their health and body condition. Therefore, energy-booster has become an essential part of college student’s life nowadays too, despite the staying-up-late lifestyle they have. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293