30 LINE is a popular instant messenger platform that enables us to do message exchange. However, LINE is also considered as an innovative platform since it seems like the platform can never stop from making innovation. LINE was once creating LINE Games application as their subsidiary, and now it is facilitating us to read the latest news from any topics by using LINE Today. By using LINE Today, we can easily read the latest news from many topics and sources in easy way. We send a survey to our 812 respondents in nationwide to understand their reading habit of LINE Today, up to 2016 the number of LINE user in Indonesia is estimated to reach 30 million users and predicted to grow in any near future. Moreover, the details of our respondent characteristic could be seen in the info graphic below. According to our data finding in this survey, LINE Today seems to be a popular news source among respondents in this survey. More than half of them ever read LINE Today in a relatively medium frequency. Among all topics available in LINE Today, news seems to be chosen as the most favourite topic to read of all respondents segment. First of all, we filter our respondents into two groups, those who ever read LINE Today and those who do not. For those who ever read LINE Today, we further ask about their daily reading habit. Most respondents in this survey are averagely reading about 1 to 3 times a day. Furthermore, the duration of reading in each time is about 1-3 minutes. LINE Today consist of several topics of information in their article, but there are only few topics are considered as the most popular. Based on the gender of respondents, both the male and female respondents tend to favourite news and entertainment topic. However, the male respondents are more likely to read Biz&Tech topic as well, while the female respondents are more likely to read lifestyle. Moreover, regarding the respondents’ age segment, the top three favourite topics are relatively different, although news and entertainment seems to be the favourite topics of all times. Unlike another news platform, LINE Today actively sends a notification message to LINE user about the highlighted news in any moment. From all respondents who ever read LINE Today, this feature seems to be the most popular way of reading for more than half of our respondents in this survey. Similar like in the social media, the news we read in LINE Today could be responded by giving any like, comment, or share. However, most respondents in this survey tend to rarely giving comment and like on the post. This finding is quite similar with the data of respondents who ever share LINE Today’s post. Only 26% of them ever share the post, and most of them are sharing the post in their LINE Timeline. What makes LINE Today becomes a unique news platform is that it gathers news from various news sources. Therefore, we don’t have to check any news sources only to find particular information. LINE Today becomes a one stop platform that provides us with a range of the most popular information from any sources. This purpose seems to be achieved, as most of respondents in this survey never check the original article and trust in LINE Today’s post. We further elaborate the reason of respondents on reading LINE Today. Apparently, we find different reasons of reading LINE Today based on respondents’ age segments as shown in the image below. At last, we ask to those who never read LINE Today. We ask them to mention their reason of not reading LINE Today. Apparently, the main reason of their behaviour is based on their disinterest in reading news. Thus, it LINE Today that once supposed to be the news information seems to be unsuitable for them. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293