33 Youth is the most productive age group in the society, especially for a growing country like Indonesia, in which employed youth becomes the backbone of running industries in this country. However, today’s fast-paced workplace is commonly resulting in tired people making mistakes. Not very surprisingly, youth is not spared from this side effect. Jakpat has surveyed the employed youth across Indonesia, particularly in 10 big cities including Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan, Makassar, Denpasar,Palembang, and Balikpapan, from various kind of industries they currently work in. This survey involved 250 respondents aged 24-36 year-old. It’s found that 9 out of 10 people (94%) are having low energy at work, which resulting in them making some mistakes. What kind of mistakes have these Indonesian employed youths done due to tiredness at work? Their mistakes range from the simplest thing like wearing mismatched shoes, false uniform, and other mistakes related to clothes they wear, until the biggest deal like dozing off at the office or losing focus during an important meeting. From the infographic below, we can see that nearly half respondents admit they have been distracted during meeting, fallen asleep on the job, and forgotten to bring essential job items such as laptop, smartphone, and charger cable. Meanwhile, some other mistakes are also admitted, including wrongly addressing colleague or client, making error in sending email, and overlooking meeting or deadline schedule. Further exploration shows that more men than women admit that being tired has made them forget to bring essential job items (42% VS 38%) and doze off at the office (46% VS 38%). On the other hand, women are more likely than men to be sidetracked from meetings by lethargy (53% VS 39%). Indonesian employed youths are making mistakes due to low energy at work, and so, how are they empowering themselves to be more productive at work? This survey shows that 9 out of 10 people have taken action to boost their energy at work. What kind of action is that? Apparently, more than half respondents choose to have a chat with their colleagues (63%), access their gadgets (56%), and listen to music (52%). Hence, half respondents (50%) choose to browse the internet for things other than work-related things. In addition, nearly half respondents choose to visit the restroom (45%) and take a walk (41%) to freshen up their minds and bodies. Most of them (84%) agree that having time for a break is a great help to energize. In order to help enhance performance at work, Indonesian youths also consume certain drinks or food, which also popularly known as “pick-me-up”. Fruit juice and caffeine are their top solutions for boosting energy. Thus, more men than women rely on all kinds of drink (isotonic drink, caffeine, energy drink) to survive the workday, especially caffeine (53% VS 40%). Whereas, more women than men prefer to have energy bar (34% VS 18%) such as chocolate bar. More details can be seen through infographics below. Most of employed youths in Indonesia are working 8 hours a day, including an hour for resting time, in 6 days a week. In a rush city such as Jakarta, the working hours are added by the time they spend during traffic on the way to their office. Therefore, it’s coherent that from this survey we can see how having low energy at work is inevitable. Even when most of respondents (82%) are stating that they feel comfortable with their recent working environment, they still find themselves getting distracted by tiredness at work. There are so many factors that can cause people to have low energy at work, even the youth. One of the most plausible causes is that people are only human, whose metabolism is created to have its limit. From this survey and the explanations above, we can conclude that even though getting tired is inevitable, there are many things we can do to overcome it. And also, knowing some mistakes that can happen due to tiredness makes us learn what to avoid in the future. Therefore, we can boost the low energy at work and show a great performance. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report (Bahasa) Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293