33 Millenials also known as Millenial Generations or Generation Y. Researchers and some people define the millenial generations by birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the late 1990s. Currently, millenials were high productivity period that their presence enough to give effect to the existing trends. Therefore, Jakpat making a survey involving millenials as respondents for several times. This time, Jakpat wants to know the relationship between work and happiness for millenials.The survey involved 808 respondents. Happiness at work is difficult to find this time. We tried to ask the respondents whether they are happy with his work at this time, 52% of respondents said they were happy with his current job. In a job, some people are not just looking for money, there are some things also sought that experience, pride, self-actualization, and appreciation. We tried to find out which is more important for respondents between appreciation and salary. In fact, 55.69% of respondents said the appreciation gained in the job is more important than money. The remaining 44.31% of respondents said salary is much more important. Although having a permanent job, some people may have a second job that is usually done part-time. This is done by a variety of reasons,such as, a hobby that can not be done in the main job, or income from the main job has not been an adequate and should seek additional work. Through the survey we did, 43% of respondents stated they own a part-time job. Achievement for someone sometimes do not stop at one point, when it has reached a certain point sometimes want to reach other achievements. Similarly, when already graduated and worked, not a few people want to return education to a higher level. When we asked the respondents, 54% of respondents think to continue their education to a higher stage (master degree). In selecting a job, there are several reasons to be considered. When we asked respondents what are the important things when selecting jobs, 35.52% of respondents said jobs relevance to passion, 28.96% of respondents said salary, and 16.34% other states work culture. In addition, we also asked who the main figure who inspired the respondents in choosing a career. 54% of respondents said follow parents, 23.27% of respondents inspired by the story of famous personalities, while 23.02% of respondents follow friend’s advice 52.48% of the respondents admitted to start working at 20s, either full time jobs or part-time jobs. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report ( in Bahasa) Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293