30 Ramadhan is the upcoming event for every Muslim Indonesian. Moreover, we know that majority of Indonesians are Muslims and Indonesia is one of Muslim countries. Thus, we were curious in knowing how behavior of millennial Indonesians in Ramadhan. As we know, Ramadhan is indicated with Sahur, fast and breaking fast. Thus, we asked about those issues to our respondents. Here, our survey is followed by 502 millennial Muslim Indonesians in some cities of Indonesia. Firstly, we asked about how they eat Sahur (pre-dawn meal, consumed early in the morning before fasting). GENERALLY, +90% OF RESPONDENTS ALWAYS EAT SAHUR We found that majority of respondents say that they Inflatable water slide for sale Canada always eat Sahur before fasting (90.44%). Nevertheless, we found that fewer female respondents (89.90%) and respondents who are around 20-25 y/o (89.04%) always eat Sahur, in which the percentages are below average (< 90.44%). RESPONDENTS OFTEN EAT SAHUR WITH THEIR FAMILIES Whom do they eat Sahur with? In general, most of them answer family (81.94%). We did not ask them whether they live with their families or not. But, it turned out that they often eat Sahur with family. Moreover, other options such as spouse, friends and girlfriend/boyfriend are below 10%. WHY DO THEY SKIP EATING SAHUR? We were curious in knowing their reasons for skipping Sahur. Thus, we asked them this question. It turned out that on average, majority of them say that sometimes they oversleep so they skip eating Sahur (60.42%). Another reason is unwillingness to wake up and eat Sahur, thus eating meal before sleeping is better option for them (27.08%). WHEN WILL THEY EAT SAHUR? Time for eating Sahur can be different for each people. Thus, we asked them their eating Sahur time. Most respondents choose time around 3.00-3.30 am (31.08% & 36.25%). HOW MANY OF THEM ALWAYS GOING OUT FOR BREAKING THE FAST? We had asked them about Sahur, and then we also asked them how they break the fast. Will they always break the fast by going out? Or by staying at home/boarding house? According to the survey result, on average, most of them do not always break the fast by going out (78.69%). When we looked at the gender, more male respondents always break the fast by going out (26.98%) than female respondents (17.07%). THOSE ALWAYS BREAKING THE FAST BY GOING OUT, ARE WITH THEIR FRIENDS WHEN BREAKING THE FAST We gave another question regarding breaking the fast. Because majority of respondents do not always break the fast by going out, we provide an option can be chosen by them breaking the fast in home. It turned out that for those always breaking the fast by going out; they often go with their friends, families and girlfriends/boyfriends. PLACES FOR BREAKING THE FAST Where will they go if they break the fast by going out? We asked this question to know where they often go when breaking the fast. It turned out that their dominant answer is restaurant/ food stall (43.63%). Other places they choose are food bazaar (17.73%) and mall (16.33%). HOW MUCH THEY SPEND THE MONEY FOR BREAKING THE FAST? We wanted to know how much they spend the money for breaking the fast, thus we asked the question and gave some options of spending money. From the given options, there is no majority answer. But, almost 25% of respondents spend > IDR 40,000 when breaking the fast. THEIR FAVORITE FOODS FOR BREAKING THE FAST Last question given to them were about food they consume for breaking the fast. As we can see on Ramadhan, there are many sellers selling sweet food on street. So we wanted to know our respondents’ favorite foods when breaking the fast. Even though, we did not get the majority answer, but almost respondents consume ice fruit cocktail for breaking the fast (49.4%). Other foods they consume are hot tea (40.44%), and banana soup (37.65%). For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report And also PDF Report here: Millennial and Ramadhan – Survey Report from JAKPATAPP Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293