41 It is a general truth that mother is the soul of a family. From taking care of the family, house, and even deciding what product to be purchased; mother knows it all. For most family, mother plays a significant role in deciding the essential things of the family. Moreover, as a parent, mother also becomes the source of information for their kids besides the father. Thus, it is very important for mother to access information in various kinds of media as they are significantly needed to point the lives of the family. The significant role of a mother in the house is strongly shown as well by advertiser. It is a common thing to see the role of a mother in most advertisement content of any product that subjected to the family member. As we could find in famous recent advertisement, from the instant formula for the baby, household product, and even men’s grooming product for the father always show a reflection of the wife/mother role in the family. Up to this point, it is significantly important to understand how the Mama access media in their daily lives do. We conduct a survey to lay out a map of mother’s media habit. We send the survey to our 420 respondents in nationwide. According to the calculation of Krejcie and Morgan table of sample size, this number is already fulfilled their standard, with 90% confidence level and only 5% margin error. Notable highlight of this survey is mostly related to our finding regarding mother’s access to digital media. Today’s mama tends to communicate with their loved ones in digital media. However, their choice of media platform to contact one another is slightly different. First of all, we would like to map what social media account our respondents have. Facebook and Instagram seem to be the most popular accounts they have in digital world. Different segment of mother’s age seems to have different activities in social media. When they access social media, the under 30 year old mama is more likely to shop online compared to the older one. However, in general we find that most of them love to share their family or kids photo in social media. As most mamas in this survey like to share their family/kids photo, we ask them about their preferred medium to upload it. Surprisingly, we also find that Facebook and Instagram seem to be their favourite medium to share photo, as well as to shop online. Facebook seems to have a place in mother’s daily media habit. To deeper understand their habit, we ask them about their Facebook-ing activities. As the Mama is required to have a lot of knowledge about many things, we ask them about their searching habit on Google. Among all given answers, most of them say that they search about food recipe, health and medicine, as well as searching for the latest news. The Mama in this survey also access YouTube in their daily lives. We ask them about what do they stream on YouTube. Looking at the image below, YouTube seems to be the Mama’s source of entertainment and how-to information. In line with the previous finding, most of them are streaming on music videos, food and cooking tutorial, movie trailers, and make up tutorial. Regarding their preferred communication channel to talk with their loved one, the Mama in this survey prefer different medium to talk with different people. To talk with the ones who close to her heart, Mama tend to prefer a significantly different medium. For the father, mama tends to talk on WhatsApp, while they prefer to make a phone call to talk with their kids. We further ask about Mom’s media habit on watching TV. Most of the Mama in this survey is watching TV at 7-11pm every day. Regarding the TV program they watch, most of them are more likely watching movie, news, talkshow, and drama series. Unlike watching TV, most Mamas in this survey do not really listen to the radio. Only 44% of them listen to the radio. From those who listen to the radio, most of them are listening at home and in the car. We further ask our respondent about their preferred news source. News institution in digital media seems to be appealing for them more than the news broadcasted in TV station. However, there is only 11% respondents in this survey who said that they rarely read news. At last, we ask the Mama about their subscription to the printed mass media. However, newspaper, magazine, and tabloid are chosen as the three most frequently read mass media of the Mama in this survey. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293