40 The development of technology change the way human life from time to time. The presence of the internet brought major changes, one of which is how people listen to music. Currently, many available applications or channel to rotate and get music. Jakpat want to know more habits of the panel listening to music. The survey involved 205 respondents in several major cities in Indonesia with an age range 20-40 years, detailed profile of respondents can be seen in the survey report. Here we will describe the findings obtained: 1. The majority of respondents stated they were quite often listen to music We started this survey to see how often the respondents listen to music. We asked respondents to rate their level of frequency with a scale of 1 = never, and 10 = very often. And the results that we found more than half of respondents said the numbers were large enough, it could mean that the respondents quite often listen to music. 2. Listening to music while working Listen to music for some people is a stress reliever or an activity that is suitable to be done in conjunction with other work. This is what we found in this survey. On this question we allowed the respondent to answer gives more than 1. The majority of respondents admitted to often listen to music while working, while the second answer that has been chosen is when driving. 3. Youtube is the most favorite way for accessing music There are a variety of ways to listen to music, the majority of respondents chose to listen to music via Youtube. In this question we allow respondents to choose lebihd ari 1 answer. And, surprisingly turned out to radio is still a favorite of the respondents to listen to music. And accessibility is the reason most respondents said. 4. Download vs. streaming Surprisingly, it turns out the majority of respondents prefer to download songs and play them in mp3 palyer than to streaming, It is possible to consider connections in Indonesia are not so stable to be able to streaming smoothly. 5. Willing to pay paid streaming depends on …… .. We asked respondents about their willingness to pay a paid streaming, and four answer options that we provide is answered by respondents almost equally. But most showed a willingness to pay depends on the features of the application. 6. Willing to pay no more than Rp 30,000 / month The majority of respondents are willing to pay no more than Rp 30,000 / month for streaming music is indicated by 56.21% of respondents. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293