38 As part of our daily lives, grocery shopping can mean the same thing for anyone, but it may be practiced differently. Different occupation of respondents may have different habit when they conduct grocery shopping. In this survey, we categorize our respondent into three categories such as mother, single employee, and student. Our basic premise is that they have different habit, behavior, or preference as they may have different motivation and responsibility of purchasing. We conduct a survey toward our panel by asking 1.864 respondents about their grocery shopping habit. Our respondent comes from three different occupation; the stay home mother, the single employee, and the student. Moreover, the total respondent of respondent in each occupation is shown in the image below. The notable highlight of this survey is mostly focused on the different shopping pattern among segment. Apparently, the mother segment show different shopping pattern compared to others. The single employee and student segments are quite similar in overall behavior. However, we also find interesting result about the purchased product preference among respondents that relatively similar. One interesting finding from this survey is related to the respondents’ activities and its effect on their grocery shopping frequency. According to our survey result, although our segments tend to have different activity level out of their home, but most of them still buy groceries in daily basis. Apparently, although most respondents in this survey have the same frequency of purchasing, but their time to purchase is different. The mother segment is more likely buying groceries in the morning. In other hand, the single employee and student segments are more likely doing grocery shopping in the evening. Further difference among respondent is shown as well regarding their preferred day to do grocery shopping. The mother segment respondent in this survey usually does grocery shopping either in the last day of weekend or first day of weekday. Otherwise, the single employee and student segments usually conduct grocery shopping only at weekend. Any interesting finding is found as well regarding respondents’ companionship in doing grocery shopping. In general, as we previously said the single employee and student tend to have similar characteristic about grocery shopping. However, regarding the companionship in grocery shopping, it seems like the mother segment is more likely to be similar with student segment. Similar characteristic about the student and mother segment is found again regarding their preferred place to do grocery shopping. Apparently, the context of the student segment which most of them are still living with their parent makes it common to see the similarity between them and mother segment about their preferred place to shop. We further would like to ask about their preferred marketplace to do grocery shopping other than traditional market. We ask them to mention the mini market or supermarket they usually visit to buy groceries. Interestingly, most respondents from all segments are frequently buying groceries in the same place. To expand our understanding about our respondents’ grocery shopping habit, we ask them to choose whatever grocery product they buy in different place. Apparently, although the shopping pattern among segments are quite different, but their preferred product to be purchased is relatively similar. In general, our respondents in this survey are more likely buying toiletries and instant product in supermarket. However, they tend to have different items to be purchased in traditional market. Most respondents in this survey usually buy kitchen and cooking ingredients there. Apparently, most respondents in this survey tend to buy similar items in the supermarket and mini market. However, the difference between them is that most respondents tend to buy toiletries at first in the supermarket, while they tend to buy snack at the first place when they in the mini market. Similar finding between the purchased items in supermarket and mini market is found as well in the hypermarket. Most respondents in this survey tend to buy toiletries, home care product, and snack or instant food as their groceries. As a part of global warming campaign, several stores are providing their customer with reusable shopping bag, or even allowed them to bring theirs. However, this strategy does not seems to go well since most respondents in this survey usually pack their purchased grocery items by using plastic bag provided by the department store. Regarding the payment method of grocery shopping, apparently we find no significant difference among respondent segments. Most of them are still paying with cash. Only few of them are buying using digital cash or digital wallet. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. student segment single – employee mother segment You can also download PDF here: student segment single-employee mother segment Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293