32 When talking about “On the Job”, there are two major concerns that workers have: productivity and energy booster. Previously, Jakpat conducted a survey regarding to “Low Energy at Work”.[1] From the survey, we found that most Indonesian workers (94%) are having low energy at work, which resulting in them making some mistakes on the job. However, even though getting tired is inevitable, there are many things we can do to overcome it. Recently, Jakpat has conducted another survey regarding to this matter. We would like to know further about workers’ point of view on the job, particularly about productivity and energy booster. This survey involved 200 Indonesian workers with range of ages from 23 to 49 year-old, located in 10 big cities, including Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Medan, Makassar, Denpasar, Palembang, and Balikpapan, from various kinds of industries they currently work in. In order to take a further look towards productivity, we need to know first about the workers’ amenities towards their current jobs. Apparently, most of them (89%) admitted that they like the current job they have right now. About a half of them (52%) have been working at their current workplace for 1 to 5 years. When asked about the reason why they like their current job, almost half of them (48%) stated that the working environment is the most significant reason. This is related to their employer and co-workers. Meanwhile, 42% of them stated that they have an interesting jobdesk, therefore they like their current job. Less popular reason, only picked by 34% of them, is the career building opportunity provided by their current workplace. On the contrary, we found that only 11% of Indonesian workers admitted that they don’t like the job they have right now. Even though it’s only a small number comparing to workers who like their current job, we still need to know the reason. Apparently, the most popular reason is regarding to the salary they got (30%). Meanwhile, less popular reasons are the weight of responsibility they have to deal from their current job (19%), and also the working environment (11%), in the relation with their employer and co-workers. Next, talking about productivity, most of Indonesian workers (72%) admitted that they have ever felt less productive while doing their job. Almost half of them (45%) stated that they become less productive after 4 to 6 hours of working, while most of them (85%) are working a total of 8 hours a day. Furthermore, it is found that most of them (60%) admitted that the reason why they become less productive is due to tiredness. That’s the most significant factor, apparently. Following that, the less significant factors are including the overload of jobdesk they have to finish within a day (33%), having low motivation on the job (28%), having confusion towards a certain jobdesk they have to do (17%), and lack of resources they got to do their jobdesk (16%). Lastly, when asked about energy booster they consume in order to increase their concentration, surprisingly there are only 20% of workers who admitted that they do consume certain drinks. The most popular drink to choose is caffeine, while the less popular drinks are energy drink, isotonic drink, juices, and infused water. About 30% of workers stated that they consume caffeine at least once a day, frequently during the lunch break in the afternoon. They do agree that after consuming caffeine, they could gain back their energy and concentration, therefore they could enhance their productivity on the job. [1] http://dash-api-dash-api-jakpat-02.local/low-energy-at-work-survey-report/ For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293