43 Some of us might aware, some of us might not aware of the latest controversy in twitter about a concert held by One Direction, a boyband from UK and Indonesia’s National Soccer Team AFC Match. The controversy begun when the soccer match that held between 27-31 March 2015 that suppose to be held in Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium is cancelled and to be replaced in other stadium. The angry fans of National Soccer Team blame the concert , and when the issue became a trending topic in twitter, the fans of the boyband became angry in return. Source : http://images.solopos.com/2015/03/Meme-One-Direction-Jancuk-2-370×202.jpg You can see that yesterday (17/03) this hashtag #OneDirectionD*j*nc*k has become a trending tropic twitter for a night! Thus, we would like to know how JAKPAT respondents response to this controversy. We surveyed 3000+ respondents in this survey, and here it is the result : 60.31% DO NOT AWARE OF THIS CONTROVERSY First we asked respondents about their awareness of the issue. Because we want to exclude respondents that not aware at all about this controversy. It turns out that 60.31% of respondents do not aware about the controversy. So we go on with the rest 39.69%. 51% VS 49% Second, we asked to those who are aware of the controversy, about which side they choose whether is a. the concert or b. the national team. And here is the result : We can’t see that slightly above 50 : 50, in which 51%+ choose the concert side and around 49% choose the National Team side. WHY CHOOSE 1D VS WHY CHOOSE NAT’L TEAM Then, we want to know each side’s supporter main reason why they choose on side instead of another. So then branch the survey to 2 different open-ended question, one for each side asking about what is their main reason supporting each side? 1. One Direction Concert Side : 51%+ We then analyze most reasons mentioned by their supporter which are Concert organizer already booked the stadium by a year before Some of them are 1D Fans They think that the claim that stadium is only for sport is not logical, since many stadium can be used as concert venue also Here is a screenshot of this question’s answers : 2. National Soccer Team Side : 49%+ We then analyze most reasons mentioned by their supporter which are Nationalism Stadium shouldn’t be used as concert venue, Though it’s OK to be used as concert venue sometimes, but in this kind of case the national sport team should be given priority Don’t like boyband Here is a screenshot of this question’s answers : Analyze deeper to the audience, we can see through our custom crosstab report that : We can guess that there are more male in the soccer side and female in the concert/boyband side. But the male side here does not show as much gap as the female sides here. Though female is obvious, male in the sides of the concert/boyband is slightly tight to compare to the soccer side. Interested on this report, download the XLS report here (No Data Cleaning Yet – 18/03): JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gendr,age range, locationby province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. Click the icon to download XLS report If you’re interested to do survey on retail and consumer goods field toward our respondents, we have over 31,000 mobile respondents ranged from age 17-50 years old, smartphone active users, and located in all regions of Indonesia that has installed our app and readily answering your survey. Those 31,000 respondents has been verified, profiled, and continuously tracked to make sure you get the updated profiles of them. Our respondents has been profiled based on their demographic (age,gender,location, spending level, profession,religion), lifestyle habit (smoking/non, gamers/non, wearing glasses/non, frequent flyer/non, online shopper/non), and also brand consumption level ( brand A users, brand B users in FMCG, Retail, E-commerce,etc). If you want to do research toward our respondent, please signup here and directly create your survey there. Or directly contact our Bizdev – Chrisprastika at +62-878-3908-9833. To non-Indonesian client, we offer free translation from foreign languages includes English, Chinese,Hindi,etc.