34 LinkedIn could be said as a social media platform with distinct positioning over others.LinkedIn specifically target their niche market by positioning their platform for professional connection use only. We conduct a survey to our respondent panel in nationwide to understand how do they use LinkedIn. We send the survey to our 803 respondents in nationwide with the composition of 48% male and 52% female respondent. Regarding the sampling method, the total number of Indonesian LinkedIn user in 2015 is reaching up to 4 million people. Consider the 4 million LinkedIn users as the population; our sample size is considered as an acceptable number according to Krejcie and Morgan (1970) sampling formula, with 5% margin error and 99% confidence level. One significant finding about LinkedIn usage could be seen in the practice of accessing habit among respondents in this survey. Comparing the overall age segment of respondent, the older segment tends to access LinkedIn more often than the younger one. This finding is found as well on the sex comparison between respondent, which the male respondent in this survey access LinkedIn more often than female. Comparing the access frequency between LinkedIn and other social media platform, LinkedIn seems to be less popular since most respondents in this survey only access less than 1 to 3 times in a week. However, job searching and networking become two most popular activities that our respondents do in LinkedIn. Among all respondents who participate in this survey, only 37% of them belong to any LinkedIn group. However, the number of LinkedIn group they join is relatively low since most of them only join in 1 to 3 groups. This finding is in line as well with respondents’ frequency of updating LinkedIn profile. As previously mentioned in our survey highlight, our male respondent seems to be more active in accessing LinkedIn than female. They are more generous in liking, sharing, reading, and even checking out advertisement. However, the basic LinkedIn feature seems to be satisfying already for most respondents in this survey, since only 8% of them who pay for a premium account. Regarding the LinkedIn friendship pattern, we find notable difference among respondents in different age segment. In general, respondents’ school/college and working friends are two most notable people whom our respondent most likely to befriend. However, the 16-19 year old respondent is more likely to befriend with stranger compared to other segment. The 20-35 year old respondent in other hand seems to be more open for new working opportunities since this segment is more likely to befriend with job recruiters and important person from other office. Otherwise, the 36-45 year old respondent in this survey seems to be more concern about optimising their current work as they are more likely to befriend with any possible future clients. At last, we try to figure out respondents’ reason of using LinkedIn. Most of them consider LinkedIn as a social media platform that offers many working opportunities. Moreover, LinkedIn is also considered as a platform that enables them to connect with their co-workers and boss. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293