
Segmentation Based Survey: Fast Food Consumer – Survey Report

Fast food industry in Indonesia is facing an intense competition in the channel. Numbers of new fast food chain open their new restaurants in several provinces where they never have before. Meanwhile, the prominent leading fast food restaurants are not only expanding, but also maintaining their current consumer by penetrating the sub-urban area, and/or opening more stores in the cities where they already own fast food restaurant. However, expanding the number of restaurant only seem to be not the only and ultimate solution. Moreover, this industry need to understand their consumer well.

By conducting a survey toward our panel, we try to map their fast food consumption based on their motivation. Thus, this survey do not merely discuss about fast food consumer characteristic based on their demographic or socio economic segment, but based on their motivation of consuming fast food. According to our result, most respondents in this survey consume fast food because of three most prominent reasons; delicious taste, fast service, and easiness (practical issue). These motives then become our main variable in investigating further issue. According to our survey result, we find that respondent motive of consumption do not merely affect all aspects of their consumption behaviour pattern. The most prominent difference is shown regarding their method of buying fast food. Moreover, we also find that most respondents in this survey prefer Indonesian food type to replace fast food menu if the fast food restaurant they once desired is not available.

To obtain further insight about this topic, please kindly download our free report below. This report consist of several data, such as:

  • Respondent preference of fast food menu
  • Consumption motive and the preferred time to consume fast food
  • Consumption motive and usual method of buying fast food
  • Consumption motive and the restaurant replacement preference
  • Consumption motive and the preferred fast food chain

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