41 When we hear the word chocolate, our minds are fixed on people’s favorite treat. Identical to its diverse benefits as well as its ability to manage emotions, pros cons about the benefits of chocolate is still widely studied by experts until now. Chocolate became very commercially known between the 17th and 19th centuries and since then many companies are competing to release a chocolate brand that has quality products and received by people. People eat chocolate for various reasons. To find out more, we conducted a survey to gain an insight about chocolate consuming behavior especially motivation for consuming chocolate. Among all the motivations for consuming chocolate which mentioned by respondents, we find top three reasons; because it is good, they sincerely like chocolate, and chocolate can be a moodboster. In this survey, we use these three reasons as the basic aspect to make the segmentation regarding chocolate consuming behavior by outlining several aspects. This survey is sent to our 2.059 panel in nationwide. Overall, we can see that although respondents have different motivation, their preference of chocolate brands and type of chocolate are similar. However, in addition to these two aspects there is another aspect that with the existence of different motives produce different behavior as well. These aspects are preferred place to buy chocolate, frequency of consuming chocolate, money spent on buying chocolate, and so on. To have deeper knowledge about this particular chocolate consumption behavior, please download our full report below. This report cover of several data, such as: Top 3 respondents consumption motive Consumption motive and the frequency of consuming chocolate Consumption motive and the preferred chocolate brand Consumption motive and the preferred location to buy chocolate Consumption motive and the amount of chocolate purchased Consumption motive and money spent on buying chocolate Consumption motive and the preferred type of chocolate For more detailed data, please download the PDF file down below. Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293