
Tax Payments Through Digital Platforms

Tax Payments Through Digital Platforms

Digitalization drives digital platforms to innovate and facilitating users’ various needs, including tax payments. Platforms like e-commerce and e-wallet now offers tax payment services such as property and land tax (PBB) and motor vehicle tax (PKB). In this report, Jakpat will share our
research findings related to the payment of PBB and PKB made on digital platforms.

These results are based on a survey conducted on 19th of May to 16th of June 2023.

Key Research points:

  • Types of tax paid
  • Consideration in choosing platforms for tax payment
  • The usage of digital channel for tax payment, especially PBB and PKB
  • The mostly used digital platforms for tax payment, especially PBB and PKB

Here are some previews of the report:

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