41 If there is a thing that a man can never understand from a woman then it is the menstruation or also popularly known as women’s period. Regarding to this matter, there is one thing that women use but never used by men; it’s the menstrual pad. Menstrual pad holds a significant role in women’s daily activities when they got their period since it is relating to women’s comfort and flexibility during the menstruation. Therefore, recently Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see Indonesian’s consumption pattern towards women menstrual pad. This survey involved 1987 female respondents from across Indonesia. For the further notes, Jakpat’s respondents in this survey are Indonesian smart-phone users, with a range of age from 15 to 50 year-old and various economic backgrounds. More details about our respondents for this survey can be seen in info graphics below. This survey report is divided into four chapters. The first chapter contains information about popular brands of menstrual pad in Indonesia. First of all, there are top three regularly used menstrual pad brands: (1) Charm, as chosen by 37.49%, (2) Laurier, as chosen by 36.39%, and (3) Softex, as chosen by 12.58%. Furthermore, their reasons for choosing those brands are because it is comfortable to use (75.39%) and its availability at the store (10.17%). These findings indicate that Charm, Laurier, and Softex are three brands that serve our respondents the two most wanted things they expect from a menstrual pad, which are comfort and availability. The second chapter of this survey report is about the product preference towards menstrual pad. In this chapter we can see which product variant of mentsrual pad that is regularly used by Indonesian women. Apparently, among many product variants, menstrual pad with the combination of wing protection, thin layer, and extra long pad is the most chosen one (34.42%). Following as the second most favorite choice is menstrual pad with the combination of wing protection and thin layer (18.92%). Meanwhile, the third and fourth most favorite are menstrual pad with the combination of non wing protection-thin layer (12.43%) and wing protection-thick layer-extra long pad (12.03%), respectively. These findings indicates that menstrual pad with wing protection is more popular than ones without. In addition to that, menstrual pad with thin layer is also more preferable than ones with thick layer. The third chapter of this survey report is consisted of two parts about the buying habit towards menstrual pad. In the first part we can find that most of our respondents (88.63%) admit that they usually buy menstrual pad by themselves, instead of having someone else in the house to buy it for them. Moreover, most of our respondents (89.88%) admit that they choose the particular brand of menstrual pad they usually use at home by themselves, instead of using someone else’s choice. These findings indicate that Indonesian women, as represented by our respondents here, are independent enough in using the menstrual pad, whether it is in the selection process or in the decision making process. Regarding to the place where they usually buy menstrual pad, many of our respondents buy it at the minimarket (43.13%) or supermarket (39.15%). In the second part of third chapter, still about the buying habit towards menstrual pad, we explore a bit further about the amount of money and pack every time Indonesian women buy menstrual pad based on their last purchase before filling in this survey. Apparently, more than half of our respondents (54.86%) bought only one pack in their last purchase, while less than half of them (40.66%) bought about two to five packs of menstrual pad in their last purchase. This finding indicates that women sufficiently buy menstrual pad instead of stocking up. Henceforth, most of our respondents (74.05%) spent about IDR 10,000 to IDR 50,000 for menstrual pad in their last purchase, while there are some (15.84%) who spent less than IDR 10,000. The fourth or the last chapter of this survey report is about the brand loyalty. Apparently, more than half of our respondents (64.72%) admit that they have changed menstrual pad brand they use in the last two years. Furthermore, the reason why they changed the brand they use was just because they wanted to try another brand (50.86%) and the usual brand they use was not available at the store (29.32%). Our respondents also admit that they changed the brand they use because of a promotion price (24.11%) and the feeling of no longer comfortable with the previous brand (13.84%). Lastly, these findings indicate that secondary factors besides primary factor, which is comfort and availability, like price and attempt to try new brand are also determinant for women to buy menstrual pad and even change brand. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (Bahasa Indonesia). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293