42 Sugar confectionery product is an all-time favourite for everyone. The sweet delicate taste of candy and chocolate seems like never fail to put a smile on our face. Up to this point, we can’t say that candy and chocolate are only for kids. Today, it is common to see the grown adult serving candy and chocolate for special occasion. However, the variance of sugar confectionery product is tremendously growing. From regular candy bar to the medication-based candy are available in the marketplace. Understanding this market trend, we conducted a survey regarding the consumption of candy and chocolate among Indonesian internet user. Download the Infographic Report PDF here Our survey aimed to map the consumption pattern of candy and chocolate among Indonesian internet user who consume any sugar confectionery product. We send our survey to our 4.735 respondent panel in nationwide. The demographic composition of our respondent is relatively balance with 56% male and 44% female in 16-50 year old, with various economic background. Interesting highlight from our survey can be found in several aspects. Regarding the variance of sugar confectionery product, chocolate is considered as the most frequent product consumed by respondent in this survey. Moreover, regarding the place of buying candy and chocolate, two places are considered as the most popular places to buy. Among any sugar confectionery variance, chocolate and regular candy bar are the most frequently consumed product among consumer. Chocolate lead the market by being regularly consumed by 37% respondent, followed by candy bar by 31% respondent. Moreover, lozenges and herbal candy are consumed by 13% respondent, as well as gum by 12% respondent. At last, lollipop is consumed by the least respondent who participated in this survey. As chocolate has been the most frequently consumed sugar confectionery product, we would like to map further insight of chocolate consumer. According to our finding in this survey, chocolate is more likely to be consumed in weekly basis. Most respondent in this survey are regularly consuming chocolate about 2 to 3 times a week, or at least once a week. We further discover the last time our respondent consume chocolate so that they can still remember the latest brand of chocolate they consume. According to our finding, most respondent are consuming chocolate this week and fewer consuming on the last week. Regarding the rivalry of any chocolate brand in the market, we asked our respondent about their latest consumed chocolate brand. Apparently, SilverQueen become the most popular chocolate brand that was lately consumed by most respondents in this survey. As the competition of chocolate product is very fierce, SilverQueen could be said as dominating the market in this survey. We further asked about respondent motivation of purchasing their selected brand of chocolate product. When it comes to chocolate product, taste becomes the most considerable factor on choosing what product to be consumed. Besides that, product availability also plays a significant role on respondent decision of purchasing chocolate. Regarding the place of buying chocolate product, more than half of respondent in this survey are choosing minimarket as the place to buy. Besides that, fewer respondents in this survey also buy chocolate product in supermarket and nearby convenience store on their latest purchase. Most respondent in this survey are averagely buying 1 to 2 pieces of chocolate bars in their latest purchase. In general, most respondent in this survey are spending about IDR 10.000-40.000 only for purchasing chocolate. As a part of sugar confectionery product, candy comes up with various variances. At least there are four types of candy such as the regular candy bar, lozenges&herbal, gum, and lollipop. Interestingly, we find different pattern of consumption among respondent who have participated in this survey. In general, the candy bar, lozenges&herbal, and gum product are consumed in 2 to 3 times a week. However, we also find that there is significant extreme of difference from the average respondent that some other respondent consume candy bar in every day. The amount of candy bought by respondent in their last purchase was various. However, most respondent in this survey were bouying about 1 to 2 packs of candy in their latest transaction. In details, most respondent are more likely buying only 1 pack for candy bar and gum, but they are more likely to buy more on lozenges herbal and lollipop. Quite similar with our previous finding on chocolate product, minimarket was chosen as consumer’s latest destination of buying candy. However, instead of choosing supermarket as their second latest place to buy candy, most respondent in this survey choose nearby convenience store as the place to buy candy. The amount of consumer’s latest spending are different depends on candy product they bought. Most respondent in this survey are spending about IDR 5.000 – 10.000 for candy bar, but they are willing to spend more on lozenges&herbal as most of them are spending about IDR 5.000 – 20.000. In other hand, most respondent in this survey are more likely to spend less on gum and lollipops. Averagely, most respondent in this survey spend less than IDR 5.000 to maximum 10.000 for buying them. Regarding the motivation of choosing particular brand of candy, respondent in this survey are having different reason. Most respondent in this survey are choosing candy bar because their taste is good and available in the market. Moreover, most respondent in this survey are choosing lozenges and herbal because of its ability to help sore throat, contain herbal elements, and taste good. Different reason is found among respondent who purchase gum because it taste good and available in the market. At last, consumer motivations on choosing lollipops brand are based on its taste and variance. We asked our respondent in this survey to mention their latest consumed brand of candy bar. Kis, Relaxa, Kopiko, and Mintz are becoming four most popular brand consumed by respondent in their latest purchase. We asked our respondent in this survey to mention their latest consumed brand of lozenges and herbal candy. Indonesian local brand, Tolak Angin is quite popular as the latest consumed brand by respondent in this survey. Besides that other lozenges brand such as Strepsils, Fisherman’s Friend, and Woods are consumed as well. Regarding the brand of gum product consumed by respondent, Big Babol dominates the finding of consumer latest consumed brand of gum. At last, we discover the latest consumed brand of lollipop among respondent in this survey. Milkita Loli is found as the most popular brand of lollipop consumed by respondent in this survey. Moreover, other brands such as Chupa Chups, Hot Hot Pop, and Alpenliebe Lollipop are quite popular among respondent in this survey. JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293