44 The trend of traveling seems to be very much higher than previous year. As much as the availability of more affordable transportation method to carry tourist, going abroad seems to be easier and more common than before. We conduct a survey about how our respondents prefer their transportation method on their last trip abroad. According to our survey result, among all kind of transportation mode, airplane become the most frequently used vehicle compared to others. In general, we find that most respondents in this survey tend to prefer certain transportation mode to carry them abroad due to the transportation tariff, trustworthiness, and safety aspect. Moreover, we also find interesting finding since most respondents in this survey tend to book their transportation ticket long before their trip date. Furthermore, we provide further data regarding this topic in our survey report that you can download below. In details, our survey report will cover several aspects such as: Preferred transportation mode to go abroad Respondent consideration on choosing certain transportation mode Respondent time of booking their preferred transportation mode Transportation ticket buying method Preferred local transportation and their payment method Ready to Send A Survey or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293