34 The advancement of information and communication technology has brought some significant changes toward human’s everyday life. In this what-so-called as digital era, human’s activities regarding to communication and information have been going online, from major activities such as communicating with other people and gaining any kind of information, until simple activities such as reading news. Recently, Jakpat has conducted a survey in order to see Indonesian preferences and habit regarding to news consumption in their everyday lives. This survey involved 425 respondents from across Indonesia, with a range of age from 16 to 45 year-old. First of all, we found that there are 7 out of 10 people in Indonesia who access the news every day. In this case, men are more likely than women to access the news every day (75% VS 69%). However, surprisingly we found that there are only 2 out of 10 people in Indonesia who apparently still subscribe to printed newspaper nowadays. As for this, there are more women than men who subscribe printed newspaper nowadays (20% VS 13%). Meanwhile, we found that there are 6 out of 10 people in Indonesia who own a news application in their gadgets, with more men than women who admit to have at least one news application in their gadgets (62% VS 50%). Henceforth, apparently there are only 4 out of 10 people in Indonesia who admit that they access the online news portal every day. For this case, men are more likely than women to access the online news portal every day (44% VS 35%). Regarding to the media Indonesian people frequently use in order to access the news, we found that there are three top media mostly used: (1) internet as chosen by 90%, (2) television as chosen by 47%, and (3) newspaper as chosen by 25%. When men are more likely than women to rely on the internet (91% VS 88%) and newspaper (26% VS 23%), there are more women than men who prefer television (53% VS 41%). Concurrently, we also found that there are three most popular news applications among Indonesian: (1) Detikcom as chosen by 59%, (2) BaBe as chosen by 45%, and (3) Kompas.com as chosen by 28%. Meanwhile, there is Okezone following as the fourth most popular news application, chosen by 20% of Indonesian. Still in concerns of media and news portal, we found that there are five most popular online news portals which are frequently accessed by Indonesian: (1) Detik.com as chosen by 76%, (2) Kompas.com as chosen by 57%, (3) Tribun News as chosen by 43%, (4) Liputan 6 as chosen by 39%, and (5) Okezone as chosen by 32%. Furthermore, regarding to the news issues that Indonesian mostly concern with, apparently there are ten most popular news issues according to Indonesian: (1) entertainment and celebrity, as chosen by 48%; (2) social and society, as chosen by 45%; (3) technology, as chosen by 40%; (4) health, as chosen by 39%; (5) law and criminal, as chosen by 37%; (6) politics and government, as chosen by 35%; (7) living environment, as chosen by 30%; (8) economy and finance, as chosen by 29%; (9) sport, as chosen by 23%; and (10) culture and art, as chosen by 22%. In further review of popular news issues among Indonesia, apparently women and men have some significant differences. According to female respondents, five most popular news issues are: (1) entertainment and celebrity, as chosen by 69%; (2) health, as chosen by 54%; (3) social and society, as chosen by 53%; (4) law and criminal, as chosen by 49%; and (5) living environment, as chosen by 40%. On the other hand, five most popular news issues according to male respondents are: (1) technology, as chosen by 47%; (2) sport, as chosen by 36%; (3) politics and government, as chosen by 36%; (4) social and society, as chosen by 33%; and (5) economy and finance, as chosen by 20%. Social media, particularly Twitter, has become the platform used by online news portal for spreading news feed. Therefore, we asked the respondents regarding to whether they have a Twitter account, and then whether they follow the online news portal’s Twitter account. Apparently, more than half of Indonesian Twitter users (59%) admit that they follow the online news portal’s account. Moreover, there are 62% of them who always re-tweet every time they find interesting news on their timeline. Lastly, we asked about the pop-up news that is recently popular among netizen. Most of our respondents (79%) say that they frequently find a pop-up news while accessing their social network account. Henceforth, their reactions toward the pop-ups are divided into three major reactions, which are: (1) just ignoring the pop-up, as chosen by 43%; (2) following the link in the pop-up in order to further read the news out of curiousity, as chosen by 32%; and (3) immediately closing the pop-up because feeling disturbed by it, as chosen by 30%. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293