35 Endorsement becomes one of the most popular marketing communication tools to build the awareness of one product to audience. By using the support of popular public figure, the product could be highly recognized by audience, more specifically the fan base of the public figure. Moreover, endorsement practice also allows the figure to be closely associated with the product. As brand endorser is supposed to be the face of the brand and becomes the frontline of massively communicating with the consumer, we would like to check respondents’ preferred brand endorser for particular fields. We send the survey to 1.215 respondents in nationwide and ask them to mention their preferred public figure to be the brand endorser for various products. Furthermore, we also ask them to explain their reason of choosing based on the dimensions of brand endorser criteria such as their expertise, image, trustworthiness, attractiveness, credibility, similarity, and likeliness. One notable record of this survey is mostly related to the considerable reason of our respondents in this survey regarding their brand endorser preference. In general, the most important factor in determining particular figure to be the brand endorser is the figure’s personal image/reputation. However, regarding the beauty, sport, and teens products the figure’s expertise and attractive physical appearance becomes the determining factors. The first product to be examined in the survey is the health or medical product. We ask our respondents to mention their preferable Indonesian public figure to be the brand endorser of this field. From all respondents who have participated in this survey, we pick the top 20 public figures that are considered as the best figure to be the brand endorser for health or medical product. Moreover, when it comes to the reason of choosing the figures to be the brand endorser for health or medical products, the figure’s personal image, physical appearance, and expertise on health or medical field becomes three most important considerations. Moreover, we also provide you a TagCrowd result of our survey, to illustrate the opinion of our respondents in this survey regarding this issue. The second product to be examined in this survey is the banking and financial product. We pick the top 20 public figures that are considered as the best figure to be the brand endorser for these products as perceived by respondents in this survey. Moreover, unlike the previous field, the figure’s personal image/reputation, career credibility, and the figure’s trustworthiness become the main considerations of this field. The following product to be examined in this survey is beauty product. Since beauty product is mostly associated as the women’s stuff, thus all mentioned names in this survey are dominated by popular women public figure. Moreover, unlike the consideration of the previous fields, the figure’s physical appearance becomes the most determining factor for this field. Regarding the household product, our respondents in this survey are mostly mentioning popular female public figures. Apparently, the association of the role of female as the main figure who has the responsibility to take care their household is still embedded in the mind of our respondents. Moreover, regarding the reason of choosing these figures as the brand endorser for household product, the figure’s personal image, physical appearance, and trustworthiness becomes the most considerable factors on this field. When it comes to gadget product, several names are mentioned by our respondents. Their reasons of choosing them to be the brand endorser for gadget product are mostly dominated by the figure’s personal image, attractive physical appearance, and trustworthiness. The following product to be examined is technology product. What we mean by the technology product is any kind of software, application, computer program, and so on. Furthermore, the considerable factors of choosing these figures to be the brand endorser is mostly because of they have good personal image, trustworthiness, and their expertise related with the product. In term of sport equipment, some names of athlete are mostly mentioned by respondents in this survey. This finding is closely related with respondents’ reason of choosing these figures as the brand endorser since they put the figure’s expertise at the first place. Besides that, the good personal image and physical appearance becomes two important factors on determining brand endorser. At last, we conduct a specific survey for respondents in teenager segment. From all respondents who have participated in this survey, 227 teenagers participate to answer the question regarding their preferred brand endorser for teen’s product. Moreover, unlike the previous field, respondents’ likeliness toward the figure also plays a significant role regarding this case. For more detail you can download XLS report at the button below (bahasa). JAKPAT report consists of 3 parts which are 1) Respondent Profile, 2) Crosstabulation for each question and 3) Raw Data. Respondent profile shows you demographic profiles ( gender,age range, location by province, and monthly spending). Cross tabulation enables you to define different demographic segment preference on each answer. You can also download PDF here: Ready to Send A Survey? or Get A Sales Quote by filling this form or Call to +622745015293